Art Vancouver: Print Projects

Art Vancouver

Featured print designs for a variety of Art Vancouver external and internal projects. Projects included posters, handouts, front page newspaper leaderboard ads, a magazine spread, Art Vancouver 2019 event tickets and more.

  • Worked under tight deadlines through remote communication
  • Collaborated with project managers and lead designer
  • Contributed to brand growth and established new designs for marketing materials
  • Integrated original artwork from various artists into the designs, directly promoting their work through the visuals
  • Praised for exceptional design skills, concept development, communication and time managment

Tools: Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop

Designed the printed tickets used at Art Vancouver 2019 (as seen in right image)

Designed various styles for a magazine cover
Designed concepts for a Call For Artists poster
Designed an ad for Where Vancouver
Re-designed a gallery crawl handout using a provided text/word document. Added visual hierarchy, branding and re-structured for legibility and flow
Ad designed and featured in The Vancouver Sun to promote the event
Street flag design concepts created for event promotion